Friday, September 4, 2015


We're back and exhausted, looking for a vacation from our vacation so I'm gonna make this one short. We had decided before we left that we wanted something on our return that would make us not regret that we wouldn't get our passports stamped when we passed from Newark to New York City.
As a family we have always been big fans of "Friends" both the original episodes and now the reruns. Emmy sees it with new eyes; her previous eyes were too young to get all of the humor. Rick and I can quote lines similar to the way they do at a midnight screening of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", I play mostly the straight roles while he takes all the gags.
We lost Buddy, our fourteen-year-old cockapoo, back in May. We swore we wouldn't get another a dog. That lasted about two weeks. We started hunting for a rescue dog but we couldn't find one that was even a close fit for most of our criteria. Then we knew we were going to be taking a long summer holiday and didn't want to bring a dog into the house and leave for a month. That pause gave us more time to evaluate the possibilities and stretch our want list into getting two rather than just one new addition to our household.
I was the one who found the ad for a litter of cavapoo puppies that would be ready for adoption on the day we returned from our holiday.  The timing of their availability, the number of checkmarks these puppies ticked off on our list of wants, and the fact we could get two were the reasons we are now a family of five, three boys and to Emmy's delight two girls.
With that bit of fanfare and a nod to our PG rated TV family viewing we introduce Joey Tribbiani and Phoebe Buffay. Joey is the caramel colored one and Phoebe is the white one with the melt-your-heart eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! Mark watched the entire ten seasons of Friends over the winter, having missed it originally because he was working nights.
